For nonprofit organizations, fundraising is a critical aspect of their operations. However, it can be challenging for leaders to ensure that their fundraising efforts align with their organization’s mission and values. When fundraising is not aligned, it can damage the organization’s reputation and undermine the trust of donors and stakeholders.
To avoid these pitfalls, nonprofit leaders must take steps to ensure that their fundraising efforts are ethical and effective. Forbes Nonprofit Council asked 15 experts to share tips for nonprofit leaders to ensure that their organization’s fundraising efforts align with its mission and values.
Consider Your Community And Constituents. Mission, values, and the community you serve should be the filter you use for any decision-making within the nonprofit. If something feels off, think about how the constituents and community you serve would feel if they read about your proposed activity in the newspaper. Operating from a place of abundance allows you to always decide actions in alignment with values and mission.
Tina Admans, President, Minds Matter Southern California
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